
The best is that he was fired for sexting a victim in a case he was prosecuting. I told my wife when we were watching it that he was a slime ball. He had that look.

Fuck cancer.

hoping they clean up the interior design of the Camaro specifically the dashboard and console.

No way he works in an office position or coaching position. I can see him in a broadcast spot though.

Jimmy Johnson’s car looks amazing. They should do these retro schemes more often!

The Denali package has lost its uniqueness in my opinion. There seems to be very little differentiation in the new models versus an SLT.

He is in the Hanes commercials.

Ordered 2. Thanks for the notification as I missed the first release and always loved this design.

At least there are no rebel flags in the infield these days..... Looks like NASCAR is on the right track with allowing these types of ads.

GMT400 platform Tahoe or Yukon. I am still driving my 1998 Yukon and the upkeep has been just the planned maintenance.

Dd you buy an H1 Alpha with the Duramax engine or the Detroit Diesel?

O’Hare is the worst that I have experienced. The last time that I flew through O’Hare on a connection I spent 12 hours waiting on a delayed flight. Weather was the initial cause of the delay.. then they had to find a flight crew... then they had to service the airplane.

Now playing

Steve Earle is amazing. I love Fort Worth Blues.

Even Jimmy Spencer is speechless.

The F-111 was not a fighter jet. The F-111 was a tactical strike aircraft for medium range bombing missions. It did serve reconnaissance missions and electronic warfare missions.

Pro Tip: The website has pricing online for the extended warranty and you can save yourself a phone call.

Bruton Smith will never sell Wilkesboro

Another great read is the bio of Carlos Hathcock. Considered the godfather of Marine snipers.

This must be a typo... 2013 GT-R with 452,000 miles for 79K