DJ Seatbuckets

For many of us, those were the cars of our youth that we lusted after. They were woven into the fabric of our lives and memories, and that makes them awesome. You can make objective statements about horsepower and other parameters, and pronounce those cars unfit by the standards you may set, but what is “cool” is

Albert - I have gotten a lot of joy out of your work on this site. Your HitchBot takedown is to this day one of my favorite things I have ever read on the Internet, and your writing is a big part of how I got to be a passionate NBA fan. This piece is all true, and good, and like all of your work, well-written.


These are not barn finds, nice cars though. The horrid grant GT wheel is a dead giveaway that the one made it well into the 80's being used. 

I’ve said this a thousand times, we need confetti cannons in the middle of roundabouts. No, it wouldn’t have prevented this situation from happening but it might have made a terrifying experience just a little more festive.

About a decade ago, my wife’s family decided they wanted to bring her grandmother to spend Christmas with them. She’d suffered a stroke in 2002 and had dementia, but they didn’t know how much longer she’d be around and they wanted to have one last special holiday. It was a lot of work, obviously — we all pitched in,

Making the plastic parts look like they rusted is unforgivable.

Torchinsky makes the best Jalopnik!

I was sitting in the parking lot outside of The Big Texan and had the same thought. I just ended up going to Ribera in Tokyo.

Is a brand required to use old marquees to sell new products? When is the name no longer relevant? Porsche builds a rear-engined sports car and calls it a 911, move the engine to the front and it’s a 924. Can’t we just call this new thing a Chevrolet Frigate and be done with it?

F——-CP <<=====|=====>> NP

This is to tell you all that I will not be posting “lovely lady” awards any longer.  I’ve been doing it for almost ten years and have decided to hang it up. 

Just a note that when they say “lifeboat” I don’t think they mean the kind that are used on ships to evacuate from a sinking craft, they mean the kind that are deployed by agencies to serve as rescue platforms.  You will not being seeing a boat like this on your next cruise lifeboat drill.


Citroen 2CV.

It’s an essential and basic skill. Without it, you’re not in control of the vehicle. Of course, you might be missing a leg and have to drive a handicap car without a clutch and a handbrake.

Esperante in Esperanto

I think I would liked the idea of owning a Lotus Esprit better than owning a Lotus Esprit.