My last straw with cable was when the History Channel shifted its focus slowly away from things that happened to things that didn’t happen and, finally now, things that couldn’t have happened.
I read the first half thinking up some snarky little funny to put down here. I can’t. At the end, the analysis has to be this: The man tried.
And even that’s not as impressive as what Heggemann Aerospace had to design to keep the Chief Fuel Tank Designer working at the very peak of excellence.
The car phone’s ringing!
X-2 and Yeager again(?)
Mariah Carey is better at singing than Bob Dylan, too.
Yes, for Sweden.
You’ll have to plug the dipstick into a laptop to read it. Tell me I’m wrong.
Can’t recommend. You’d be looking at At Least $200 billion to get it to work at all. You’d be better off buying a moon rocket for LeMons or trackdays.
I’d guess the timing chain issue. The engines were born with a single-row chain that was prone to break. Mercedes remedies this mid-model with a double-chain, and a lot of the earlier cars have been retrofitted.
“The suspension is sometimes pretty good” is probably as good a guess as there ever will be, and a fine piece of automotive existentialism. Best sentence I’ve read today. #starred.
You just CLEP’d out for Cizeta on the first go. Nice work.
“I cried, because I had no shoes. Then I saw a man with no feet.”
Pedant here:
I’ll always be grateful to Netflix’s Daredevil for the scene where, exhausted after a hard day trying to put on a defense in The Punisher’s murder trial, Daredevil slouches into his apartment but can’t relax because a ninja is shooting arrows at him. I laughed like a little kid for fifteen minutes. Also, it was good…
You’ll know that eventually little Lorem will be published.