Don’t say that within earshot of a person tuning the carburetors.
Don’t say that within earshot of a person tuning the carburetors.
Approaching 1
I think it’s what Harley Davidson’s marketing staff wants a stroke to look like for their target demographic.
3% of the population are villains from the first tape of the The Stand miniseries.
Somehow, Blackwoods have been repopulated in my home state, such as it is, Arkansas. The Blackwoods never bothered me, though, and in a way I respect the cynical audacity of the first luxury pickup.
Concur. Otherwise, we run into a “make the plane out of the black box” problem.
Grass Mud Horse has my full and unqualified support.
You have said it. These, like most push-button impertinences and futilities, are an answer to a problem that never existed and a question no sane person ever asked. The joys of a handbrake, such as they are, are replaced with a nannying frustration and Rube Goldberg complexity. A push-button handbrake makes life worse…
Those involved doubtless have noble intentions of honoring Campbell in running Bluebird again. That said, this is like exhuming Lincoln’s remains to sit through the rest of Our American Cousin.
You might be right. Between the Esprit and the Bellanca there’d need to be a bottomless pit of money somewhere.
That’s no Cherokee, bird friend. That’s a by-god Bellanca Viking. As little airplanes go, it’s pretty much a sky Lotus.
NP. God help me...
Luckily, the FAA already has experience with a solution. Take the same basic concept of the 1984 Controlled Impact Demonstration, but instead of introducing fuel additives to cut down on post-impact fire just fill the infested plane with napalm and some good old American radiation.
Concur. Monza Ferraris rock.
Sometimes a little dab of damage will do it:
Merde. Double merde.
Pedanticar car.