DJ Seatbuckets

Agree in full. Best bond car. Yes, ski rack > submarine kit.

Citation needed.

True that. This is an Alfa for people who really, really want an Alfa. But, then again, this has been true of all Alfas forever.

I’ve seen them before with a small “flap” handle that engages the latch when the passenger pulls on it with their hand, but I’ve never used one so I can’t say how well that would work. What if you don’t have hands or don’t have any experience with levers?

Now it’s thumbs all the way down.

So French... mmmmm

NACA ducts built into the quarterglass... Be still, my beating heart.

Can confirm terrible person.

See also PJ O’Rourke’s review of rented cars:

Can confirm Ronin nailed it.

Just calculated the insurance premium for this plan, and it comes out at “$All of it.”


I was a very soft NP until I read about the Flowmaster exhaust. My fear for whatever lucky lady or gentleman takes this little pony home is that the noise might cause others to look at it.

Likely a negative, sir. Indeed, there’s little telling what the lady may do.

Can confirm Fancy King T’Ranchler > S-Class. Logic checks out.

You are correctly configured.

I’d like to talk to some of these Confederate flag guys. There are areas of my life where I’d really like to have that degree of compartmentalization.

Former journalist here. It’s the best job in the world if you can afford to be poor(ish).

Pampered whisps do not a cloth doll make. CP.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh pffffffffffffffffssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss duuuuuuuuuu