DJ Seatbuckets


I spun an X1/9 into a ditch once. Similar damage, in fact. I will throw no stone.

We all died and this is hell. I’ve asked your same question many times, and this is the only answer that even comes close to making sense.

Take it back, you sonofabich.


Arkansan here:

Can confirm.

The 308 is fine just as it left Maranello. This applies to all 308s. The 308 is fine.

Yes, Victory by Design was as good as it got, requiring only a smart, knowledgeable host and some cars worth learning about and seeing being professionally thrashed.

Roadkill is just ok. Everything on Velocity is garbage, and it right and good that the channel is mocked and derided.

Concur. Neither fish nor fowl, but priced as though it wouldn’t require a long explanation of what it is or isn’t. CP.

Mushler Groincat FTW.


Pretty sure we’re looking at undiagnosed/untreated mental disease or defect here. #crazyshaming #sanesplaining

You are too kind.

I’m beginning to come around to that opinion. It’s a little like a wealthy aviation enthusiast buying a Saturn V for $2m; the choice is between rolling it around on tank treads, establishing your own museum, or driving it to town — and I’m not sure which is the most ridiculous.

Now playing

Chris Harris is doing the automotive journalist thing very correctly in this clip.

You have one of the good ones, with a name that doesn’t tear down a centuries-old naming convention and a darn smooth ride.

Pedant Mode Engaged:

Lincoln’s profaning of the whole concept of “mark” designation makes me irrationally crazy-angry.