I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.
I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.
He didn’t say no when she asked for a raise. He fired her. That’s not normal.
This list needs to have more Bro-country.* More specifically, it needs to have more Jason fucking Aldean. Doesn’t matter which album; seriously, just pick one. That horrible shit is ubiquitous in the south, and it’s just truly, unequivocally awful.
As soon as I saw Sergeant Pepper on the list I knew it was nonsense.
I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.
Fuck off.
And when you think you’re done fucking off, fuck off even further. Fuckhead.
Thank you for saying this. This is just so stupid and not even funny.
Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.
Yea I was going to say thats a pretty big stretch there.
I’ve been watching it all morning. I’ll give Trump this: the cinematography is incredible, and the choice of Edelweiss as the theme song is certainly inspired.
Do not tune in at the places above at the times specified.
Any tips on how to avoid it? I’m asking for a friend.