
That was your takeaway from the article?

Why does this exist?

What’s supposed to be the takeaway from this article?

Yet they have no problem with Tale of Two Wastelands, which does exactly that.

And yet, I can LEGALLY play the audio from my copy of FO3 however the hell I want as long as I do not distribute what I do with it. So how does this fall into ‘gray’ anything?

Steam will give you a refund!

“If a chef is working in Tomato Town and wants to create table salt...”

Welcome to today’s episode of ‘Complain about a game we didn’t play.’, featuring complaints about racism, sexism and historical fallacies.

No, I’m pretty sure he/she is dismissing anything contrary.

Are you going to post this on every article about Kingdom Come? j/w since you’ve done such so far.

That article actually really humanized him for me after the expectation your lead-in set me up for. He may be a dick but the article makes it sound like it’s at least in part just a Twitter schtick. At the very least 70ish other people worked on this game and to disqualify it from press while it’s still relevant is a

His treatment of his workers triggers political conflicts. There are plenty of people that don’t like the guy out there.

...that’s your takeaway? What the fuck

I feel like that’s not what is important here, dude.

It’s obviously a joke. Get over yourself.

Frosted Mini Wheats are amazing and wonderful.

Must just be me, then. I seem to enjoy eating Frosted Mini Wheats if it’s picked up from our household. But adding even more sugar just seems like a cop out.

Frosted Mini whets on the other hand are awesome! I never cared for General mills version.

does this even qualify as a speedrun? Don’t get me wrong, the injection of code into old games is amazing, but you’re not really “beating the game”