I hate it. It looks too much like the bookmark I have beside it now, and I’m too set in my ways to move them around.
I hate it. It looks too much like the bookmark I have beside it now, and I’m too set in my ways to move them around.
Oh my god, seriously...
Oh my god, seriously...
I think it’s more that they just straight up don’t believe them.
Being rude is super appreciated. I don’t see how if it was the only post it would tell me if it was only on Friday or every weekday.
Being rude is super appreciated. I don’t see how if it was the only post it would tell me if it was only on Friday…
For the WPA/2 hack. Update your routers, and your personal devices. If an update isn’t available yet a VPN and using HTTPS only will encrypt your traffic.
For the WPA/2 hack. Update your routers, and your personal devices. If an update isn’t available yet a VPN and using…
In my experience it doesn’t last much past Christmas.
Didn’t think there would be anything there as I hadn’t seen this type of post yet. I usually don’t get on Kotaku this late in the day though.
Didn’t think there would be anything there as I hadn’t seen this type of post yet. I usually don’t get on Kotaku…
In other venison news, homemade venison jerky is best jerky.
This is different. I like it though. Is it going to be an every day thing, or just on Fridays?
This is different. I like it though. Is it going to be an every day thing, or just on Fridays?
Sideview of a headset lol.
Sideview of a headset lol.
8Bitdo also is selling a controller and receiver bundle that comes out in December.
8Bitdo also is selling a controller and receiver bundle that comes out in December.
That looks dope. The only thing that pissed me off is that they spoiled the fact that the protagonist lives past the end of the game.
To be fair that was only for a month. While still bad, it’s not really the same as keeping it away until the after the next game comes out.
I’ve had to explain that so many times.
Only if the weapons are what you want. I didn’t remotely care about any of the factions weapons. I was DO in D1 for shaders, didn’t care for the shaders this time around since Mono is better anyways. FWC gear looks stupid so I went with New Monarchy.
My steam tile library would piss everyone off apparently all minimal as possible. Only game art no logo or text.
This paid (free for a week) mod is just Frostfall and iNeed combined. Made by Chesko and isoku respectively. I wonder if they had anything to do with this since they were the two most prolific modders making content when paid mods happened the first time.
Philomath robes is where it’s at. Not my character as I don’t have my PS4 handy. I use a purple and white shader on mine as well.
$1000 is not budget gaming. The MX150 is what a budget one would have, priced under $700.
Nintendo can say whatever they want, but Mario has been unclogging lost coins out of pipes since I’ve been alive.