Know you guys haven't updated yet but fallout 3 is 5.00
Know you guys haven't updated yet but fallout 3 is 5.00
Yeah, I replied to my own comment. Noticed that after clicking a link.
LA Noire has been marked to 5.
Never mind, clicked a link and read that this trial is going on right now.
Somehow going to be blamed on video games. Also why are we hearing about this now? It happened almost two years ago.
Have around 100 games and other than x-com, which I got for a pre-order I have played them all at least a little.
You can sell them for steam wallet cash for starters, and finishers. Really, that's all they're for.
Yeah, same thing happened to me. Deleted quite a bit of stuff only to find out that I needed another 40 lol.
I know it's hard to believe, but it is. Granted the download is compressed to 40, but when you try and install you have to have a whopping 87.
I already put 200 in my steam wallet :'(
Uncharted 3 digital version is 87 after install. Now that, is fucking ridiculous.
Don't mind them, they obviously don't like guns and are going to push their views onto you no matter your opinion on them. Guess what guys I don't find it immoral because I like guns, I like supporting gun manufactures, and I like playing games with guns in them. Even if I had no opinion on guns that wouldn't make…