
Let’s be honest, the average player and fan are not even of legal drinking age yet.  

So my friend tried to get me into Amway a few years ago. I did a ton of research and knew it was a scam. I sort of joined without really joining. I only did it to keep an eye on my friend so that she hopefully would not be taken advantage of. What I mean but joining without really joining, I filled out the paperwork

They were not struggling at the time Disney purchased them. They were struggling in the late 80's early 90's when they were in bankruptcy. That is when they started selling off the rights to get them out of bankruptcy. When Disney purchased them they were healthy and worth over a billion. Oh, and the rights do convert

Depends on how long the deal is for. There is a point where the rights will revert back to Disney. And if they really need the room at Disneyland they can take out Downtown Disney and move that to the current parking lot. And expand their offsite parking as they do now.

No just a peeping tom.  

It does not matter if there was a kid in the bathroom or not. In the state of California it is illegal to film in a public bathroom. He is lucky this did not get him arrested. Sadly Twitch wont ban him since he makes them money. If you are a big enough streamer you can almost get away with anything. I mean they almost

Except it is a real person. If I dress up as a clown and call myself Bonkers then punch a old woman in the face, its not the clown that is punching the woman it’s still me. Just because he wears a wig does not mean he can break the law. If a man robs a back, gets caught he can’t use the “It was my bank robber

Isn’t the new head of Sony not a fan of the entertainment and gaming divisions of the company.  And has stated he want them out of those industries?  I seem to remember reading something about that when they named him CEO.  

How is this different from those two Force Unleashed games?  Other then the wall running everything looks the same.  The FU had better looking combat to be honest.  

I went from having 18 down to 300 down for the same price in my area. But I was lucky there are two companies that service were I live. A lot of people only have one and they are screwed if its slow.  Also isn’t that data going to chew through data caps pretty fast?

Don’t worry.  When the bubble bursts they will all be out of work.  

First of all the guy should never have signed such a awful contract. He should have fronted the $$$ to have a lawyer look it over before signing it. So he is a idiot for not doing that first. I would never sign a contract were they get 80% of my earnings of anything. I have an agent and he only takes 10% of what ever

The bones of the game are great. I personally love the shooting mechanics and movement. Sadly that’s about it. The rest of the game just seems like it was made by people who have never made a game before. Or at least never played a looter shooter before.

How the hell did this make it to 5 seasons? I could not get through the first episode. Netflix will blow money on anything it seems.  

Who knew collages had standards these days. I figured if you throw enough money at them they will accept a dog at this point.  

I like the game but I totally agree that the stores are bad.  Just show me everything.  

Same here. I just turned 45. Just lost a friend who was 48 a month ago. Even though death can come anytime as you get older you realize how precious your time is.  

Trump admin “Nothing to see here move along! Buy more oil and coal!”

How is anyone shocked by the.  The Switch has always been known to be the less powerful of all the gaming setups.  What people are just now realizing that based on this game?  

So because a dictator has his feelings hurt the whole game needs to be removed?  Just wait when people start putting Trump in games making fun of him.