
“These are the real notes from a real conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan. This is a screenshot from the website of the Press Information Department of the government of Pakistan. It has not been altered in any way.”

Now we can’t make fun of bad water?

You really think they had nothing to gain? Political clout and embarrassing Bush?

You mean the ones the Europeans conquered, before the US existed? Like they did with Central and South America too?

Do you live in America?

Yes, America lost and that’s why we are horribly off and a failed economy ever since Castro’s rise and Cuba is a such a prosperous nation./s

Naw, it would be wasted on you. But 2 things: look up there definition of cognitive dissonance, then name me any great power who acts/has acted on what is perceived as right or moral, rather than acting on the perceived best interests of its national self interests of the time.

You have such a simplistic worldview



Counterpoint: The Spurs

So you think the Democrats are going to be quick to tax themselves? You are putting your faith in the rich to give back an additional 30% percent of their wealth? Because here’s the deal, the Democrats who would make these changes are all millionaires.

Then why work? And where does the money come from? Before you argue for Universal Basic Wage, take a hard look at Venezuela.

Now make that list for ever single country that has ever been a world power and see how many of you “point” don’t make those list, and how many new ones do.

I’m with you on this. Before they went national, his show had a Miami “us against them” attitude and LeBatard was the ringleader. Now he whines and corrects everyone way too much, as if becoming a national show is proof of his righteousness.

Thank you. Your last paragraph sums it up perfectly.

If you believe this you are a sociopath with no moral compass.

This is flat out wrong. Obama and all the other presidents never did this to their own people like Castro did.

The fuck is wrong with you?

I try to be level headed. I own guns, and have no problem with background checks. Honestly, I’m not opposed to a bit of training and range time before a purchase of a semi-automatic rifle like an AR or AK. A military ID would get you out of it, but it would make for a fun Saturday to learn how to clean and maintain