
Are you HamNo’s Mom? Why are you defending him on every single thread when this article clearly angered the regular Gizmodo readers?

No Virgin Islands National Park?

I mean, you’re a troll that writes on a highschool level, which makes you smarter than the average troll. The hate mail is not unexpected, since stirring up the internet is your thing. Your posts aren’t necessarily a joke, but the reactions are. You write for the negativity your posts generate, which can be highly

Jesus you love to sniff your own ass. Sarahmas wasn’t attacking you, she was describing her own personal experiences working in a “Breastaurant”. You immediately attacked her because it when against your narrative that “women who dress skimpy are oppressed”. What ever happened to women should be able to dress how they

It does look delicious

Watch it again. It lists all of the mixers (fresh lime, syrups), and the liquor is quite clearly Kettle One, a very popular brand of vodka.

Man, I thought we lost these useless cross-posts on Monday.

Is it possible to stop cross-posting this fluff to Deadspin?

This. Doesn’t want to pay money for his own room, but drops $35 at Wholefoods for lunch and idiot coffee?

Let it go. LSH is not happening. They are tightening up the plot threads, not adding new ones.

He’s never won the Tour de Flanders?

So Tom is a lightweight?

How about no you communist weirdo. Drinking the milk is the best part when your finished.

Again, you are the worst kind of douche. Self-righteous, declares everyone else “cheaters” because they don’t have fun the same way he does. I guess that high up on your horse you can’t smell all the shit you are spreading.

Shut up you city dwelling neck beard. Seriously, you don’t even understand the game.

You still have to walk several kilometers. It’s not like the trackers make rare Pokemon spawn within a block of each other.

It was a core game mechanic that is broken. Hence the third party fixes. You’re an idiot, the tracker was working briefly at launch until the servers got overloaded. It wasn’t created as a response to trespassing.

So you do understand that the game has a built in tracker that’s completely broken, right? These third part apps existed as a work around for a broken feature in the actual game.

The Pokemap Live app by Skiplagged is working fine today. Only one I’ve found that works after the update. And it’s in the Google Play Store on Android.

Ok dipshit, what else should we be doing? Not having fun, unless you get to pick the type of fun?