
Thank you. My countrymen fail to realize that “zipper merging” is the most mathematically efficient use of road space. My countrymen are, by and large, morons.

Jesus a single SAN controller? How can companies justify that? Hell even McDonald’s has redundant deep fryers, and they don’t handle terabytes of financial data per day.

Damn, I was hoping the rumored Challenger refresh in 18 based on the new platform (used in the Giulia?) would be top dog. Chevy isn’t screwing around, or waiting. I want one, just don’t tell my friends. MoparOrNoCarUnlessItsThatNewCamaro

I’m a pro-blue libertarian, but even cops break laws from time to time. I have tons of respect for this citizen for doing what he did. While the cop did admit his wrong doing to the chain of command, judging from his attitude in the video it seems he did so to cover his own ass. There are good cops out there, this guy

Florida Man Stars in Box Office Disaster

>Try to escape the heat

I posted my suspicion on the youtube video itself yesterday. Today, comments are disabled. This is 100% bogus.

There is absolutely no way that car is going 80 MPH when the ticker says it is. I call bogus on all of this.


FLD is gone, but the Rumor Mill keeps on churning. #FLDArmy

In FCA’s defense, the sales numbers aren’t really relevant to investors other than “appearances.” What really matters are the revenue numbers, which, as far as we know, are legitimate.

People are excited for a mid-engine ‘vette? That’s heresy. The engine belongs in the front where god intended.

Where’s Gordon Freeman when you need him

Not that it matters to the intended market, but that side profile is straight fugly.

Your opinion isn’t how the US Justice System works. Source: Uncle is a judge, Father/Grandfather/Cousin are all cops.

Skateboarder had zero legal ground to stand on. He would face the following: hit-and-run, vandalism (or criminal mischief, depending on state) and very possibly assault. The car never touched him, at

I once saw a PT cruiser decked out like a Hawaiian shirt with bright yellow wheels. The cruiser can be fun the same way a beetle can be fun, and the grille resembles the Prowler, which although was an awful car, I WILL own one some day.

Clearly they only got busted because they didn’t invite a Challenger.

Oh wow, that’s tight.

No kidding. I come here for car news not bullshit political opinions.