Lampshell Frames

Its black history month so let me take this opportunity to talk about me and how unfair the press is and let me name check a few token well-known black folks, inner cities and scene.

I guess this is fine but then how does the work of the people get done? The perpetual paralysis of government is not good for anyone. I am not suggesting rolling over but I don’t think that the country can survive if all we do from here on out is obstruct the functioning of government. The dangerous hyper-partisanship

ugh. here we go, down a liberal rabbit hole of ‘holier-than-thou’ grandstanding (seeing it all over my social media already).

He probably just lost a couple of thousand fans.

Thanks, Ash. I’m definitely not a PSCW, but I’ve appreciated your posts over the past umpteen years. I think it is more important right now for PSCWs to speak up and say to their elected officials that this is not ok. Many Rs don’t care a bit about what those who didn’t vote for them think, but if enough PSCWs start

I’m a Proud Southern Conservative White Guy(TM), but f*ck stereotypes all around. I just wrote my Congresspeople (all Republicans) urging them to stall Trump as much as possible, if not outright oppose him. If you want to reform immigration, great! But if you want to be an authoritarian asshole to everyone as part of

I’ve never called an elected representative in my life. I just did. I expected to have to leave a voicemail, but someone picked up on the first ring! This caught me off guard, so I stammered my way through what I wanted to say about the last couple of weeks, especially this weekend. Who knows if the congressperson I