
It seems like good sci-fi often (still) gets the short end of the stick. Archive 81 was also very promising and I really enjoyed the first season, only for Netflix to (predictably) axe it.

The Book of Boba Fett was so pointless that the show itself gave up and just turned into The Mandelorian halfway through.

I think its more accurate to say that it’s not about Musk only.

To build on that, I absolutely loved that the reason Benoit had difficulties cracking the case was that he is bad with stupid stuff and couldn’t fathom that billionaire was actually that stupid.

Nothing says “zen” like extreme rigidity in every element within your line of sight. I’m pretty sure it was one of the Eightfold Paths the Buddha taught. 

Well, I for one am enjoying all these news articles about Avatar 2 and its sweet James Cameron sound.

Disney would be foolish to associate with Depp anymore. Regardless of the outcome of the trial he is far too controversial and polarizing. Disney wouldn’t touch him now with a 50 foot pole. 

How much did you get paid for this dickride?

Meh. Depp’s Jack Sparrow is never going to be as good as he was in the first Pirates movie, because that was the only Pirates movie that wasn’t written with his goofy Jack Sparrow affect in mind. 

Samesies. I read this right after that gross article about Texas trying to create a registry of trans people, and despite my anger at that, I kind of feel like anyone who spends money on THIS actually should be put on a registry. They clearly need to be in a safe environment.

I’m either a hypocrite or no longer against mass incarceration, because I think anyone who spends any money, much less $99, on these fucking things, deserves to be put in jail for life immediately, on charges of being just the most pathetic.

I have no words, I hate this merger and I have that quality scripted shows are dumped while Discovery will surely make cheap blah reality programs, “fix my bathroom/my basement needs help”

I really think that the Warner Discovery merger has been the worst thing to happen to either company. I also think that the FCC and FTC majorly dropped the ball by allowing the merger. Of course I think all of the mega entertainment and News companies need to get broken up sooner rather than later.

Now where am I supposed ot get my Ophelia Lovibond fix?

Actually I have confidence that she’ll do a good job. She’s smart enough to pick good people to work with, and you can’t deny that she’s creative.  Or you can, but you’d be wrong.

She should make a Star War.

As opposed to people like Martin Scorsese and Stephen Spielberg who work exclusively with amateurs who don’t know what they’re doing?

Y’know, it super fucking sucks that Ken Levine killed Irrational and put a ton of people out of work because he wanted a smaller, leaner studio to do something different than Bioshock, and then the first fucking game he makes with that new studio is Bioshock in all but name.

This show sounds very interesting to me, but I had already decided not to watch it because I’m past the point in my life where I can consume content about cruelties of slavery.  It’s too affecting to me now.  However, I’m glad to hear that this show doesn’t dwell on them to the point of making it Black-pain-porn, so I

MAnnnn, the first season was a surprise treat during a dark, dark, dark time. Can’t wait for this new season.