I can completely understand the part about shutting down the karaoke version of “Shallow”. It’s now up there with “Don’t Stop Believin”.
I can completely understand the part about shutting down the karaoke version of “Shallow”. It’s now up there with “Don’t Stop Believin”.
If there was ever a show where a major character can just suddenly show up as a different gender without any kind of acknowledgement, it’s this one.
This is going to make a lot of people mad who won’t understand that someone deciding to transition is quite possibly one of the most mundane issues the Hargreeves family has seen.
Miller “was allegedly yelling obscenities” and “became agitated when people began singing karaoke.”
Zoe looks amazing.
It sucks, but I’ve grown numb to cancellations when it comes to Netflix, or Amazon, or what not. I enjoyed the season by itself. It had a nice Stranger Things vibe going on. In fact, I felt like by the end it was connected to the Stranger Things universe in some form when it comes to reality crossing, time shifts,…
Oh, come ON. It was one of the top shows on the platform for weeks. It was GOOD. What more does your horrid algorithm want, Netflix?
And Ledger’s Joker was already Nicholson’s cranked up to 11.
Marian is an asshole, and Larry deserves much better.
NANCY DREW, BABY! So happy to see it renewed for another season! It really is an amazing show, and I’m glad to see that rewarded.
I gave Nancy Drew a shot when it premiered because I was bored and wanted something new to watch, and I am still surprised at how much I love it.
Pretty good troll using the permalinks to Flash & Superman reviews when they’re not a thing here anymore!
Are you kidding? Rape is absolutely widespread during war. Of course it’s happening.
I’m sad they changed her power set; I’m a little tired of glowy hand powers. The rest of it looks great though. She’s adorable and perfect casting. The way they are integrating the graphics to emphasize her teen girl fandom look like they are really carrying over the spirit of the comic.
Those snippets are entirely representative of the review and the reason it was taken down. I just explained why. To say a story isn’t relatable enough because it’s about a girl and a girl who is Asian is ridiculous. Especially when some kids movies about mermaids with dead mothers pursuing a person they just met and…
Grimes likes to have fun with the press—recall that trolling show of reading The Communist Manifesto for the paps—so it seems likely that she knows exactly what she’s doing with this whole secret baby/new girlfriend twofer.
I think one white guy saying “I do not relate to this movie not about white guys” is not a good take. Then you either realize that 1. You are the wrong person to review this movie or 2. You are incapable of opening yourself up to the experiences of others who are different than you and please refer back to #1.
Almost as if they think a movie for children who haven’t heard the messages in it before needs to be less subtle than a movie intended for adults who can pick up on subtext!
Being set in 2002 makes this movie a period piece in two senses!
I read that quote as being she wants to be seen as a decent person, but doesn’t want to be responsible like one.