
The solution is for people not to pretend they suddenly give a shit about youth sports.  Like, who fucking cares who wins some youth or college soccer tournament or track meet or whatever?

Jezebel’s leading misogynist here to share his entirely unnecessary thoughts. (Also, definitely never heard men systematically complain about women’s dating behavior!  And also, I’m sure none of these women have been called an insulting name from this!).

Mine was how every member of the family thought Marta was from a different country. I’m a Latina myself, I could relate.

I want to see this one in theaters. Knives Out was fun watching in a theater, when everybody was laughing it up together.

Kathryn Hahn is hot on his heels.

Oscar Isaac going for the hat trick on Marvel characters (Apocalypse, Moon Knight, and Spider-Man 2099).  

It’s weird that Spider-man has become the Marvel movie franchise that is going all in on multiverse storylines.   In the comics that was really more the domain of the X books.  Excalibur and then Exiles especially but even the X-Men proper books dealt a lot with multiple time lines and alternate dimension characters.

Which is a good thing right. Avatar always looked amazing 

Maybe Alexandra Daddario is available?  We can hope.

I mean... he can sing and dance, and has a kind of corny earnestness, which is a requirement of all good variety hosts. I’m mostly worried about his ability to sell a joke.

I feel like it’s the fact that he’s just really, really, really ridiculously good looking in an almost objective sense of the word.  I don’t know if it’s the way their faces are put together or what but yeah Barnes & Bloom are in a category that even a lot of Hollywood A-listers don’t really make it to.  I say this as

This rumor has been floating around for at least a month now spurred by none other than Holland himself. 

Fuck - Ben

Be careful what you wish for...

Spider-Man. Gotta get that brand synergy wherever you can.

Andrew is cuter, with a more amiable looking face, but Ben is prettier, and has more of that noble pretty-boy Disney prince thing going on.

Yea, especially with your example, Barnes is objectively more handsome... I think Garfield has an odd shaped head.

Screen beauty is a game of mathematics and millimeters. Barnes is much more conventionally handsome than Garfield.

First of all, do Garfield and Barnes really look all that different, to the extent that one meets an adequate “handsomeness” threshold and the other does not?

I usually ignore organic, avoid vegetarian (chickens are supposed to eat bugs!) and look for pasture-raised. Especially if they have a little paragraph somewhere on the box talking about what that means, like how much the hens enjoy pecking around in the sunshine.