
I can’t help but think that the whole corrupt bunch of GOP lick-spittles in Congress will manage to side-step all of this. They lie, they irreparably harm our country, but as long as they can get a FauxNews gig or a cushy lobbyist job at some point after retiring, the country can go crap in a bag. These “patriots” and

They had me at Cary Fukunaga. I’m in.

Stoller from Basterds mixed with Caleb Carr’s fabulous book?! Plus bustiers and atmospheric murk? I’m for it, of course.

Every time I read they were making a film of it, I would get excited but dreaded it in case they screwed it up. I think a series is a better plan, and I hope it’s as compelling as the book.

Superior Spiderman, Superior Ironman, the entire crap with the morally inverted Justice League. Marvel, we get it, you like artificially turning the heroes into villains. Guess what, comic book readers, DON’T LIKE THAT!

Seriously, they’re called superHEROES! Yes, while we occasionally like dark gritty stuff like

I would add that so long as people crave status, they may want to be on top, but they’ll accept not being on bottom and having someone to punch down on.

The recap mentions that Gilead’s currency is on the brink of collapse. Wars cost money. As for negotiating with Mexico... really? Mexico is the third largest traiding partner with this country now and our currency is strong.

It’s not hard to see the real-world parallels here. I still cannot understand how any woman could have voted for Trump, but I guess it goes to show just how far people will go to rationalize their actions.

I realize she’s much younger than the “ideal” Laura for typical storytelling purposes

She looks like she spends even more time screaming at retail employees than I assume she already does

You’re reporting is keeping me sane. Because I know I’m not the only one who feels like it has been years but in reality it’s only 117 fucking days.

It does fill me with an extra special sort of rage towards people who get on black peoples’ case for “being unprofessional looking” when they have an immaculately braided/dreaded up-do’s, then talk about how Trumpf is a “great business man” even though he looks like a costume of himself designed for an especially

Lovecraft’s racism actually is a factor in the novel. Atticus’s father chides him for reading his works.

Going by his writing he also seemed to be quite agoraphobic, I daresay that fed into his infamous xenophobia. His most racist stuff (eg. Red Hook) seems to feature crowds and bustle very prominently.

“appreciating Lovecraft when the racism is a deal breaker”

“are we ever going to get a Mountains of Madness movie?”

This is a really interesting idea. I love Lovecraft’s stories but the guy was undeniably racist, so taking his ideas and using them as the backdrop to tell a story about race relations is pretty cool.

Shut up and take my money!

YES YES YES! This is such a great pairing! The lovecraft horror aspects juxtaposed with being black in the south works SO well. the supernatural seems so tiny compared to the racism experienced. Can’t wait to see this.

Writer’s room, imagined dialogue...
A: “Y’know? seeing the footage of those Syrians fleeing over the Mediterranean for Greece got me thinking...”
B: “You want to give money to Doctors Without Borders?”
A: “ can we monetize this?”
