
I understand your complaints and have occasionally wondered the same thing. I feel like the primaries are really the time for that. The popularity of Bernie made Hillary actually take some left leaning stances.

I’m thinking they meant the comparison in how GoT seems to defy its genre and appeal to a large audience, especially those who would not normal watch a fantasy show. Instead Altered Carbon is solidly in its cyberpunk box and will likely not appeal to anyone not already a cyberpunk fan. Though I’m totally guessing here.

I have no dog in this race since I’m not actually watching the show so I love these reviews. But I know I’m in the minority.

We protested by signing the contract with the solar company today. The consultant said they’d be swamped too so I guess we aren’t the only ones.

I keep thinking of joining up but my husband’s Air Force so I know it would make his life difficult.

You say that like it’s problem. Fashion that’s performance art is the best fashion. Though given unlimited money, I would wear every one of those outfits to Starbucks.

That baby is precious. I’m kind of against child modeling but I can definitely see this as a fun this to do with Mom occasionally.

Likely Spirit Gum or something similar

Coal isn’t even losing to clean energy. Coal is losing to natural gas. Clean energy is steadily increasing but natural gas is still the cheapest option in most places and what’s really been killing coal.

Has anybody ever done a march or rally with a toddler. We’re contemplating the Las Vegas one tomorrow and I was looking for some tips. Am I crazy to attempt it?

The Peachick is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so it’s not unusual to have the Hot Dog Song stuck in my head...

Right?! How can one person end up involved with so many child molesters?! How is that even statistically possible? Is there a bizarre interview process I’m missing? It’s so gross and weird

Peachick didn’t start taking milk from a sippy cup until pretty recently. She would drink small amounts from a regular cup or warm milk (baby coffee) from a tiny mug.

Peachick’s almost two now and even though I’m a stressed, neurotic disaster I don’t regret it. Everything will be different, there not denying that. But it’s amazing how quickly different becomes normal. And before too long to can’t remember what life was like before kids. Though the sleep deprivation might help with

Baked ziti freezes really well!

Bananas were popular in my house. And yogurt. So much yogurt lol. Egg toast was also usually more popular than regular eggs. Especially will cheese. Now Peachick is almost two so she usually just eats whatever I’m eating.

I did see an article pointing out that the Canto Blight scene is what made Finn care about the rebellion. Still the weaker part of the movie but it did serve a point.

Don’t forget the delight that is iZombie returning in February

A handful of guys are wearing “Time’s Up” pins on their lapel. All of the wonderful Stranger Things babies are wearing them.