I love art that makes me say to myself, "AAARRR!!! AAARRR!!! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!!!"
I love art that makes me say to myself, "AAARRR!!! AAARRR!!! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!!!"
What? Oh, that.
Man, I miss 1977.
It reminds me must of a Paul Gulacy panel from Master of Kung Fu, circa 1976.
They made a big deal in the premiere about Amy and Rory getting a divorce because she couldn't have children and Rory wanting children — although neither thing had been mentioned before — that I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the reason Amy and Rory stop travelling with the Doctor is that they have a child,…
There were fewer people working on an actual movie I worked on once. I'll bet their budget was higher, too.
Four-score and seven years ago... there could be only one.
You know, this has pretty much been established as just trash talking the other guy. "Here are terrible things that those awful people do over on the other side of the border. Isn't it so much better here?"
The problem with conspiracy theories is that there are, in fact, conspiracies in the world. It isn't much of a stretch for someone to think that, for every Watergate or LIBOR or whatever that gets uncovered, how many conspiracies haven't been?
No, no, no. That's all wrong. It's actually a breast sharpener. It's used over the sink to wash away the shavings.
The name of the Star Trek movie is irrelevant. When viewers go up to the window to buy a ticket, they're going to say, "I want two tickets for Star Trek." When fans talk about the movies, they'll call it "Into Darkness" or more likely "Star Trek 2."
We'll be just as happy as our corporate overlords allow us to be.
I'm having an '80s cultural mashup flashback, man!
I'm trying to picture Viggo Mortensen saying, "By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!" It's weird, but not necessarily in a bad way.
My thoughts exactly.
No. Violence doesn't generally earn more severe ratings unless it's bloody.
"We haven't got to the point where we can make people disappear."
Because Harlan Ellison hasn't had a chance to sue anyone in a while.
"Hansel and Gretel trailer will fatten you up… with action!"
Wash and Zoe?