
The Tick: Eh. It was OK. As good as a parody of a parody can be.

Math? I typically just use violence.

Naked mole rat don't care. Naked mole rat don't give a shit.

So, a pretty typical Friday night?

So, it's sort of like making SimCity a reality, just a bit.

I think that at least part of the reason is the general coarseness society has descended into since at least the end of World War II. One unintended consequence of people demanding a greater level of individual liberty is that the strictures of traditional culture have been loosened or eliminated entirely, making the

Ah, Uma.... The Avengers was the only movie I've seen her in in which they somehow, inexplicably, managed to make her unattractive.

Sean Connery in The Avengers — the one with Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman.

I've always thought Liefeld was successful because his work was so often in the vein of what a significant number of comic book readers would do if they were writing a book, which is make all the characters what they would consider "bad ass." His art reflects this attitude, looking essentially like what a marginally

This looks snazzy. And there's only a glimpse of Maggie Grace, but — it may just be me — but she looked really classy. I'm just saying.

I understand the reason behind revealing it in the trailer — "This isn't just a generic slasher-in-the-woods move" — but I wish the trailer hadn't given away the SF elements of the story. That would have been mind blowing to discover while watching it.

Red matter?

Was I the only one who thought the reaper was Chuck?

Maybe they'll sell this in a double feature with Ender's Game.

"I mean who half reboots something?"

"We're all just dysfunctional superheroes."

Re: The Woman in Black trailer.

Also, is it just me, or does the Doctor seem to be getting younger with each regeneration, more or less? If that's the case, then it's likely the next Doctor will be Justin Bieber, or the UK equivalent thereof.

I can see the regeneration scene now. Matt Smith becomes Chiwetel Ejiofor and the first line out of is mouth is, "Still not ginger."

A Very Gaga Thanksgiving. Reminds of something they did a few years ago — Marilyn Manson's All-Star Family Thanksgiving Spectacular. I think Pat Boone was on it.