Fast-fashion is on its way out; thrifting and peer-to-peer digital resale marketplaces like Depop, Poshmark or…
Fast-fashion is on its way out; thrifting and peer-to-peer digital resale marketplaces like Depop, Poshmark or…
While the actual scientists and people studying climate change probably just about make ends meet and definitely aren't flying on private jets!
We live in a world where Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry and Bradley Cooper are the brightest minds of our age. Just think about that for a while.
To me Leo is the worst offender. He’s made being an eco-warrior a part of his brand. Yet he’s constantly seen flying by private jet to party on a yacht with a bunch of friends and 20 year old supermodels. Environmental issues are a safe cause for rich white celebrities. You don’t have to interact with impoverished…
This is true. But the fact is, out of all the women I know who got married maybe 1 didn’t diet and work out like a fiend before her wedding. And these are all modern, accomplished progressive women, not Republican bot-brides. If the NYT had said what it means rather than saying “strengthening” and “toning”, people…
Thank you. I promise to not let my children kick your seat or scream in your ear and I promise to change their diapers only where appropriate and do what I can to reduce the chaos but for the love of god, don’t expect me or anyone else to not have children or for them not to do the shit children do (giggle, talk too…
All my money is on “my agent made me do it”.
Someone should do that for Trump’s Twitter account and call it Diary of a Madman.
I loved the setup and thought it had some great moments but--especially as it progressed, I always thought it never lived up to the situations they set up. *ducks*
Maybe the pants, but I think I’ll skip the crop tops- they might clash with the pregnancy stretch marks lol. But if they’ve got any decent slip dresses I’ve never really let those go, I’ve just added layers, so I’m here for it! I have a feeling I’ll still be better off hitting up the thrift stores for them though.
Isn’t sex on official state documents, not gender?
The rumors that Charles plans to make Camilla his queen shows how out of touch they already are with the people. I can’t imagine this going over at all.
What a lovely Christmas present to the women of America (and worldwide). I’m hoping for Maria Contreras-Sweet’s bid to win out. I want to see an all woman headed company demonstrate how to conduct themselves in a way that is fair and considerate to everyone.
Oh nooooo, please!!! I love John Oliver so much. I hope he’s never done anything horrible.
Quick, which western country is not a participant in the Intermational Criminal Court in The Hague and therefore can not be held accountable for war crimes? We’ll give you this one rapist and you give us your countless war criminals of your countless illegal wars around the world over the last decades. How’s that?
Ok, you’re entitled to your opinion I guess. If I feel that someone has a reasonable expectation that they won’t repeat doing something violent, especially something they did when they were so ill as to be a danger to both others and themself, I usually give them the benefit of a doubt. You can have your…
Dude I’ve been waiting for the White Walker apocalypse ever since Hardhome. That was Season 5!!
Naaaah. A bullet in the head was too good for those guys. Really. As she says, they killed a pregnant woman and slaughtered their host’s guests.
I’m wondering if the organizers managed to buy insurance for the event. My thinking is probably, no.
Dude, 3 years after losing my whole friend circle (well, I thought they were my friends too, but divorce proved that I was delusional), I finally have 2 friends of my own. One is a woman my age, the other is the 85 yo man that lives in the apartment next to mine.