
All glory to the Hypno-Toad.

Whither do you misspell Reese's last name?

I sort of thought Orson Welles was radio's Orson Welles.

The AV Club

I watched the "Behind The Music" about The Mamas and The Papas more times than I can count, and always thought the formation of the group on a credit-card-fueled island getaway, their rapid rise to fame and the adultery that drove the four of them apart would have made a great movie, with an almost Shakespearean arc.

I wonder if they tried to get Bobby Flay for the "Scotty Boom" role. Flay used to have a Food Network show called "Throwdown," in which he would show up and challenge local restauranteurs (not private citizens) who had, until Flay shows up, been fooled into thinking they were the subject of some sort of made-up Food

My recollection of the FOX Late Show debacle is a little different from what you have here. I seem to recall that Arsenio Hall *wanted* to stick around and keep hosting the show, but FOX had already committed to its replacement show, the legendary flop "The Wilton North Report," and wasn't interested. So Hall took his

Enjoy your CancerAIDZ.

Everyone keeps referring to the NPH thing as a variety show, but every description of the format I've seen makes it sound like a glorified game show — "Truth or Consequences" on steroids. (Look it up, kids.)

He was also the announcer for Dennis Miller's syndicated (pre-HBO) talk show.

No, the article clearly said that PBS will get to run the episodes — nine months after they've been on HBO. In fact, PBS will get them for free. The only benefit the HBO families will get is being able to see the episodes sooner, and that's probably more of interest to the parents than the kids. The occasional guest

The first thing I ever saw Kevin Spacey in was the TV show "Wiseguy," back in the 1990s. He and Joan Severance were brother-and-sister bad guys for one story arc, and it was strongly implied that they were incestuous.

I believe this will also be "The Essentials" Saturday night on TCM.

And it's worth pointing out that even Lucas originally set out to do a remake — he went after the rights to Flash Gordon and couldn't get them, so he created his own franchise.

Allez cuisine!

I think the reference to "uncovering new information" is an oblique reference to the plagiarism and other allegations against the late Alex Haley:…

As I understand it, the daytime show was owned by Worldwide Pants, so Letterman's free to use it no matter what network it happened to air on. Not so with Late Night.

And the funny thing is that Karan Soni is from a *different* AT&T ad campaign; he was one of the two nerdy engineers who were upgrading the network ("Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?")

"Discovery Channel’s perennial Shark Week extravaganza is arguably America’s most widely celebrated secular holiday."
You posted this the week of the Super Bowl.

That was a reference to one of Benny's running gags. He claimed to be 39 for decades — part of his character's vanity — long after he was an elder statesman of comedy.