In Roman Holiday and Funny Face, Audrey was the one who was intense and it was her leading men Peck and Astaire who got her to lighten up and enjoy life.
In Roman Holiday and Funny Face, Audrey was the one who was intense and it was her leading men Peck and Astaire who got her to lighten up and enjoy life.
I think this movie had all the “language” to display toxic masculinity that it needed. Are we to believe that toxic masculinity didn’t exist until some jargon was created to describe it?
I think it’s just her style. Fran has after all just run through the streets in her high heels to be with Bud; she shows, she doesn’t tell. And she’s the one in charge of the situation; that will probably always be the key to their relationship.
It’s a horrific story and I hope those staffers get what’s coming to them. But -- her family left her there for 2 months? They can afford a lawyer but not $500 to bail her out?
Do you mean Anna Wintour? It’s not unusual for someone in her position to develop a signature look and stick to it. Look at Grace Coddington or Liz Tiberis. Or Chanel, St. Laurent and Lagerfeld. Or ALT for that matter — the scarves, the robes, the hats.
We keep saying that Raymond was “institutionalized” as though he were shipped off to some horror show like Willowbrook. The residence that Raymond lived in seemed comfortable and his needs were understood and cared for; he felt safe there.
From the bathroom scene: Raymond was institutionalized one week after his and Charlie’s mother’s death and some time before that (it’s not clear when) he had accidentally run scalding water into the bathtub for Charlie’s bath. With their mom gone, the father may have thought that Charlie wasn’t safe alone with Raymond.
So Rachel Lindsay wasn’t embarrassed to be affiliated with The Bachelorette before now?
Is that Viggo Mortensen next to Ford in that clip from Witness? Even with goofy hair and a straw hat, he was beautiful.
Especially the shouting from the rooftops part. Who does that! So gross.
The Wicker Man is a weird movie to bring up in the context of MeToo because it’s about a sex cult. The island is owned by a lord who’s a charismatic and powerful figure who controls an isolated group of people and has convinced the young women on the island that they should give themselves to him. So, more Keith…
People keep dragging Ready Player One into the discussion. No, it wasn’t on the list for the committee that Nelson joined, it was chosen 3 years before she joined.
The article says that Ryan and his husband have kids who are 5 and 7 but sure, the place is upholstered in white. I’m sure those kids are never allowed in there.
I don’t think trading sex for a place to live and a chance to be in Playboy makes laughing at a deaf guy less mean (why else would the be there?).
One’s a brunette and one’s a redhead? That’s my sis and me.
I love How to Success n Business Without Really Trying. From the 60s or 60s-adjacent, Guys and Dolls, West Side Story, The Music Man and Oliver all have great singing and dancing. Well, Guys and Dolls didn’t have great dancing because none of the principals could dance and only Sinatra could sing, but the songs are…
I liked how the TV version of Bye Bye Birdie turned Rosie back into a Latina (she was played by Chita Rivera on Broadway and an unconvincingly brunette Janet Leigh in the first movie version). And in the 60s movie Rosie’s need to let everyone know that she was still a virgin despite being engaged to Albert for a decade…
Yes, there’s this mixed message of “this is frightening technology that will enslave us all” and “oh no, trans and non-binary people will be left out.”
“Exuent”. “Bitter Harvest”. Can’t you take 2 minutes to proof-read your work?
The title on Amazon is Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties but I like this version better — it feels very Sixties.