

Really, this is what dumb-asses like Cotton always do. They just completely ignore facts and reality, and just spew nonsense. What matters to him is saying the proper buzzwords, not making sense.

Okay, my brain just completely checked out of the whole last part of what he was saying, because I’m allergic to that level of stupidity. No really. My eyeballs just skidded  right over the whole thing. This is my brain trying to protect itself.

Perhaps someone needs to hold a discussion with Johns about his having mastered Black culture...


Okay, I’ve heard of every last one of these with just a casual glance at my Youtube recommendations, and while standing next to my Mom, while the regular local news was playing in the background. What are these people doing?

I don’t know, those reactions, shaking and crying, still sound pretty white woman-ish, to me. Exactly the sort of behavior that people engage in, after they’ve displayed several racist micro (and sometimes, macro) agressions, towards a Black woman, who has then put them in their place. I know I’ve encountered that

There are far too many white people who never miss an opportunity to be just the finest, and most progressive, hot trash, when it comes to race...

I love how her whole team knows her moves too, and just casually joins in with the dancing! I know they must have watched her practicing this dozens of times, but still...

This! I don’t think she needs a beating, although she is definitely headed in the direction of getting one, especially if she keep selling wolf tickets, like she been doing...

Indeed! I’ve known several “vapid cunts” in my life, and many of them were likable, or at least funny, and fun to hang out with, and sometimes, dare I say it, “sweet”!

The woman sitting there with her, her lawyer, even she said this knucklehead was probably one of hte most difficult clients she ever had, and i think she dropped her after the interview. She is the kind of person who insists on being “in control” of every situation she is in, including the interview itself, hence the

And is also one of the primary reasons that too many people join the police in the first place. Bullies with guns...

You’re absolutely right, and you should say what we all been saying! The cameras need to be out of their control completely! It should also be tied to being present at work. If they’re working and don’t call or contact someone to have it switched on, then they don’t get paid that day because they wont be counted as

Interesting thought. She wasn’t staying at the hotel, yet there she was, so this may have been a distraction from (certain) people asking why she was there, and her location was off on her fact, if I follow your reasoning, this makes what she did worse...

And this is what Ifind interesting. What did she do? Just pick the first random black men she saw in her orbit? I mean, nobody white was around, who could also have been a suspect? She didn’t stay at the hotel, so she’d presumably never seen or encountered these people before, so wtf? She couldn’t have just left it in


Whenever I hear sh*t like this I’m heavily reminded of that case of the white man-child, who was caught, “red handed”, raping an unconscious woman, behind a trash dumpster, but his judge didn’t want to ruin his life with prison time....


Well, we need to keep in mind that these are not the world’s shiniest pennies, that we’re hearing from.