
Yeah, I mean if she had just pulled her pants up,gotten a real job, or put her drink down, or respected the people on the bus, she wouldn’t have been lying in her own sauce. (Ooh, I like being sarcastic, like this!)

Uhm yeah, I have compassion fatigue. I don’t have any left for White people at this point, because I used up all my outrage on all the Black people who’ve had the police called on them this year, and my compassion is tahd from crying about all the Black people shot by the police this year.

Jane Elliot asked this question of a room full of White people. She asked them to stand up if there was anyone in that room who would trade places with a Black person, and when no one stood up, she said that on some level then, they know how Black people are treated in this country, and don’t want that for themselves.

Wow!White people have just gotten to the point where they’re not even dog whistling anymore. They are just openly and blatantly suppressing PoC, and Black people in particular.

Yahp! Didn’t go pass that first sentence.

I would argue for their lives because I don’t like the image of people being burned alive but...I’m just too damn tired, and...

Well obviously the problem is our mis-use of pants. If we could simply eliminate pants, all would be well among Black people.

Now playing

Yeah, normally called Black Boy Joy, on Tumblr.

I wanna know why these are associated with us. We didn’t invent the darn things!

Yes, this! I stopped buying that unconscious bias bullshit some time ago! It’s not unconscious, and it’s not bias. It’s just plain old racism. It’s also incredibly evil.

And then has the nerve to trot out that hoary old chestnut, about how many people she’s helped, to Whoopi.

They don’t just want common respect. they want the Left to kiss their asses and be grateful. Common respect is saying please and thank you when someone does something nice for you. I don’t think that’s what they’re aiming for here. I think they’re aiming for “Respek!” 

That’s one of the primary myths the Right have been selling to themselves about the Left, and have seemed to forget the part where the Left consists of more than a few PoC, who don’t believe in turning the other cheek, and never have, no matter how much they try to push that kumbaya - forgive one’s enemies bullsh*t,

This is how I feel about all of that:

Yes, any sane person could have seen that was going to be a shitshow. Putting some brainwashed twit from Faux news on there with “I Do Not Mince Words” Whoopi, you knew there was gonna be a fight. That’s the reason that woman was invited in the first place. They were hoping for a knockdown, drag out, hair pulling, for

Van Jones called it a White-lash! I never had too many problems with Obama, or what he was trying to do, but there was one thing I was very nervous about - the backlash, to the rest of us, for electing him. I knew it was coming. I knew those tea-partiers, and other troglodytes, were gonna make us pay, and pay hard,

“And? People can’t be dark and be Americans?”

I applaud you Sir! That is the epic level of petty, I aspire to, with White people who call me articulate.

I refused to watch the video because I know my emotional limitations, but it hurt me just to read about that crawling part.

Yeah, notice these yahoos always use the word “mine”?