Well at least this explains why they’ve lost a couple manufacturing execs recently. Musk wanted to push this out, they said it wasn’t possible, and he either fired them or they left because they didn’t want to work under his demands.
Well at least this explains why they’ve lost a couple manufacturing execs recently. Musk wanted to push this out, they said it wasn’t possible, and he either fired them or they left because they didn’t want to work under his demands.
Today on Teslopnik, dude who never hits deadlines makes another prediction he won't hit.
I wonder if you can calculate the dollar amount of free marketing you are giving Tesla.
You’re not suggesting, are you, that something other than unqualified love for all things Tesla means that you’re in hock to the other car makers?
This is the same Motor Trend that named the Tesla Model S “Car of the Year” in 2013? That one? So now that they’ve printed a negative review of a car that has, to put it mildly, “problems”, now they’re a shill for the Big 3.....
And the big 3 has how many hundred years of combined experience in manufacturing (both good and bad)? It’s funny how people keep comparing Tesla to the Big 3 as if all were on equal grounds. Context is everything.
“Just before” the launch of the Model 3? My, aren’t you the little optimist!
The Big 3 have technology lessons to learn from Tesla. But Tesla clearly has some lessons to learn from the Big 3 and other OEMs in regards to mass-production and manufacturing.
Probably caused by improperly inflated tires due to the conversion of pounds per square inch to fathoms per furlong or whatever goofy measurement they have over there.
See Bruh, it ain’t no thang.
Police were able to get a description of the driver from an eyewitness.
Yes, how *is* it possible that people seem to throw all their car-shopping pickiness and concerns out the window for something that seems trendy yet has widespread quality issues affecting basic door functionality?
Um...either I’m seeing Passat or cars have gotten dull AF.
See if this works.
Also, I don’t know what kind of video host you’re using lately, but the videos don’t even show up for me on Firefox. It’d be nice to watch the videos, please?
Yeah, I’m sitting here wondering why you need a windshield that’s six feet long and will cost three thousand dollars to replace.
It's not a defect. It's an Easter egg!
Model X, now with driver astigmatism detection!
E39 M5 - the perfect combination of sport and luxury