
ESPECIALLY since all of his designs look like his own damn house. What an ego.

But did we hand it off to anybody?

I hear Kanye has some thoughts on this subject.

He has two assholes?


I'm quite couth, thank you very much.

Café La-tay

2 chicks at the same time?

And the drunk driving episode.

And Zack and Kelly breaking up while Michael Bol…I mean Slater and Jesse sing "How Am I Supposed to Live Without You?".

And the NO HOPE WITH DOPE episode.

The logic of this scene fascinates me on a number of levels.


Yeah season 9 was an improvement, and I was very tired of Andy at that point.

Because of…gay


I actually really enjoyed his character and Spader's portrayal. He had some great lines and I loved him bewildering the crap out of everyone. I even enjoyed the build up to his real(?) name being revealed and him going off the rails…my issue with that season is that nothing else really happened and the rest of the

Not an astronaut, just really, really high all the time like the Tool Man.

An underappreciated line. Well done.

Yeah but it doesn't FEEL true, so I'm not buying it.