
There is a later episode where a new manager shows up (for one episode, obviously) and is essentially a Reagan clone/uber fatherly figure. It just kills me.

I totally get why people hate Will Ferrell, but I have to agree with Dennis Perkins; I can watch Ferrell as Bob Goulet all damn day.


I would totally watch his show about actors becoming PIs. It's gold.

I'm more upset that Spencer Grammer isn't playing the English teacher.

In all seriousness, that scene of him and Spade driving off into the sunset…**sniff**

Eres tu…

Yikes, should've went with JerkStore there.

It can be two things!

Just curious, but which part of the CV plot doesn't make sense? The Griswolds get stressed over hosting their entire family for Christmas? Clark is pissed at his boss? The Todd and Margot thing is kind of pointless, yes.


Will she fall down? I hope she falls down.

Dr. Strange? Love it!

Interesting. I always try to come in…wait, never mind.

You were at wok?

Still prefer the Super Mario World soundtrack. God, what a great game.

It takes a special talent to write Ashley Judd's boobs into a movie. Respect the craft.

Well, I think that's obvious, given the name.

The whore……the whore……

I'm so glad to hear that the Culkin thing is an ongoing bit. That totally threw me and it was fantastic.