
Worst baseball book ever.

Wood, Jerry. Wood.

Oh…that's a good one.

I don't know Parker Sawyers, but his name certainly makes me want to punch him.

It's a Fucking Movie, Internet.

*** Hipster Doofus gives look of admiration. ***

Dowd's trash. I'm a Gene's Picks man, myself.

Worst city-councilwoman Boston ever had.


C-.C-. Dowd really doesn't enjoy the talking pictures very much, does he?

Brooding? FINALLY!

Yep. Love Whose Line. Needs to be more of that and TDCS on right now, dammit!

I loved that show. The lengths they went to for the theme songs were tremendous. Didn't they have like a 5 minute version of 5 o'clock World for one season? And damn Ryan Stiles is funny.

Ah, Kelly Kapowski (post breast-enlargement) in a hot tub. Good times..

In GARY? That sounds a little gay…

But does she have the clout of Tommy Davis—who seemingly vanished years ago?

I'm a Boy Meets World fan, but it is hardly genius TV or anything. However, the scene where Feeny and Cory have a "drink" and he explains WWII and the importance of staying up with your dad to Cory gets me every damn time. William Daniels is a freaking treasure.

I hear Etan Cohen had a hell of a bar mitzvah.

That is one terrible title for a movie.

Travel Channel JVP of programming and development Raymond Babbit: "TV sucks."