
The first 3 seasons are genuinely clever and pretty hilarious. I can still watch them and laugh. The last, oh, 10 years have seen SpongeBoyMeBob become a squeaky voiced baby, who associates with a star who has a tooth hanging out of his mouth. I'm hoping the movie will return somewhat to what made the show popular in…


I'm in my mid 20s, and too many of my friends can't get into Young Frankenstein and the like. I need new friends.

Why? He appears to be having fun, and is actually, you know, funny.

As stupid as this show got, I still thoroughly love the one where Steve accidently nukes Chicago.

I still enjoy when Waldo mispronounces Canada as Canyada.

It also gave us Fear of Failure, or FOF, and the line "Are you calling me, a Fofnoficator?" by an indignant Carl. Unfortunately, this scene seems to not even exist on the Internet…or my demented mind has created it from watching too many transformation chamber episodes.

It's always gonna be zero.

Will Sgt. Pepper make a cameo?

You serious, Clark?

OK, gonna need to hear why on this one.

I always end up watching this when its on, but boy is it mediocre. What always irritates me is at the end when Cheadle is narrating what is going on when the Martian is showing them their history. Awful.

Leslie's kids were mentioned at least twice last week. Either way, I don't think most people are watching to see the kiddos.

I always preferred Pepsi, to be honest.

One more view of the tape, he may have seen this one coming.


Jimmy Hughes didn't even get a producer credit?

Bring in the noise, bring down the house!

Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life is my all time favorite. Kelly Lynch is APOPLECTIC over her son's porn watching.

The only "bad" Seinfeld is like episodes 1-5. Late Seinfeld is gold, just different.