
Alright let's take a short break………eats chip, takes a sip………WE'RE BACK!

Nick Offerman actually plays the saxophone. It was him.

For me, one of the most distracting things about the later episodes are SB and Pat's voices. Spongebob seems aimed at toddlers now, and Pat is way too dumb. Squid and Krabs seem the same.

Band Geeks, Pizza Delivery (Its not a boulder…sobs…its a rock.), and Sailor Mouth (dolphin noise…).

I always loved the "Squidward…you like Krabby Patties don't you" face that Spongebob made, that became a meme. It kills me.
Also, I hate most of the newer episodes, but one later one that sticks out is where SB, Pat, and Mermaid Man keep traveling through time. Eventually about 5000 of them meet up at once. RIP

Its a real song. Sweet Victory by David Glen Eisley, from the 80s.

Well, I apparently can't read. Nevermind, all.

Not sure if this has been discussed, but will we ever see Brandanowicz again? Seems like they act like he doesn't exist.