
I’ve felt useless for a few months now, after getting a diploma in Design and having failed to find any employment, failing my driver’s licence exam, and being unable to leave my parents house. But at least those were things I could try to change, either through effort or opportunity.

One of the first things I looked up after the racist wombat won was “Clooney 2020" wondering how realistic the prospect is. Apparently he doesn’t want to, but if we ought to have learned anything, it’s that anything is possible and nothing has to make sense anymore.

I just saw that Clinton has overtaken Drumpf in the popular vote. Funny that the college will ensure what it was designed to prevent.

I’m so sorry for you, for Hillary and for the the rest of us. Godspeed.

Yes, I don’t reside in the US, when I say we, I mean the world giving up as a consequence of the richest largest poluter reneging on their environmental promises. China, India et all only agreed to join in on the premise the US would bear the brunt of it. In short, I think we are well and truly fucked.

My fear is we will just give up.

I’m not a US citizen, so what scares me are the irreparable consequences on the environment. The world cannot recover from the damage he will inflict, so forgive me for finding that a meager consolation. Best wishes to you, hope you find a way to prevent the worst.

Chances of the electoral college saving the nation from itself?

Ah, cool, thanks for the answer. In any case, I can relate to the “hate crowds, perfectly adept at pretending otherwise” sentiment. You have my sympathy.

If you don’t mind me asking, what is it that you do?

Nope, defintely isn’t. Even amongst males, if close friends and sometimes even without that.

Also don’t change that it’s a different symbol. Words mean things, and ignorance should not be fought with more ignorance, or you just further the continued appropriation of a millenia old symbol by fascists. Svastika or swastika is the same thing, I just find the v spelling more elegant.

No, Svastika is not the name of the Nazi symbol. The Nazi symbol is called a Hackenkreuz, or hooked cross in english. Manji is the Japanese term, while svastika is indopersian.

No those were all regions, and civilisations that existed within africa. Africa was one name the romans used, and and when scipio conquered carthage they gave him Africanus as a surname, as was customary for roman generals.

I think you got it the wrong way. The roman general got the surname “Africanus” from the land he conquered, not the other way round.

Graphic designer here, back in school there was one guy who did in fact do hyperrealism freehand.

And the one your teacher will never show you.

And the official cereal to match.

Well, for one thing issuing executive orders is not unconstitutional, so that wouldn’t be a great way to determine that. I think high treason (Iran-Contra) and illegal wars under false pretenses (Irak 2) would be better factors.

Oh, so you define using the tools granted to them by the constitution, which is what executive orders are, as trampling the consitution... I thought you meant war crimes and torture, of which, granted, every high official of the US government in recent history is guilty to some degree.