Not that it really matters, but PS3 developed games seem to work better for me, for some reason, so here's to hoping...
Not that it really matters, but PS3 developed games seem to work better for me, for some reason, so here's to hoping...
Obviously, humour has been contributing to the constant decay of modern societal and human interactivity.
I was being facetious, and referring to the original, Haitian/creole zombie.
Since you seem to be the resident Dragon's Dogma expert around here, do you know, by chance, which console is the lead development platform?
Seriously, what the hell is up with that?
Technically speaking, RE baddies were never Zombies to begin with.
Like a Kafkaesque nightmare, the conspiracy that keeps growing!...
Wasn't it always a giant conspiracy of nonsense?
Go team Leon!!!
- shooting and slashing the hell out of demons.
The political situation is as much a clusterfuck as ever.
simply use your youtube account's username and password, it counts as a google plus one.
Fair enough, this is as appropriate a moment as any to remind myself that ignorance, indeed is bliss.
If you have a youtube account (which you need to watch certain content), you can use that, as it is linked to other google stuff.
I wouldn't read them because of fear they would cause my blood pressure to shoot off into space.
I thought they'd announced that last E3?
Which is why poor people usually don't bother with luxury items, like video games.
Any way to summarize the contents of said comments?
Even in selling at a profit, Nintendo products are much cheaper than Apple's.