Lady Opossum

Also as the Reply All podcast and just in the last two days Teen Vogue itself has demonstrated with this new story:, if you set super-high standards in judging the mistakes of others, don’t be surprised if your own

It’s weird that Sam is doing work for the government like that mission at the beginning and somehow that doesn’t count as a job that he can put on an application. Is the show suggesting that Sam is doing those missions for free?  Granted, the show does suggest that Sam has something of an inferiority complex, but put

Watching LALD recently, it is a problematic film in a lot of ways but I think Mr. Big/Kananga deserves more love as a Bond villain, still the only black main Bond villain to this day. Mr. Big truly runs an amazing organization that combines high tech, voodoo, and street level crime, plus he seemingly employs every

There’s definitely a movement away from exploitative gossip focusing on addicts, the mentally ill, and out of control, which so much of gossip has revolved around. There’s a big difference between that type and gossip that criticizes the powerful for their mistreatment of others. It is exciting to see some attention

There have been a decent number of actors at least whose careers have been at least severely damaged. Look at their filmographies and see how many recent high-profile jobs people like Kevin Spacey, James Franco, Johnny Depp, and Louie C.K. are getting. Musicians are tougher to cancel because it is easier to release

Have there really been cases of rappers, even white ones, being cancelled in the sense that their content is so offensive that their careers are hurt or destroyed? I can’t think of any offhand. Rap may be a cancel-proof genre.

I admit that I am a little disappointed by the choice of director.  Watts’ Spider-Man movies are certainly solid films but he hasn’t really shown that he has much of a bold sci-fi/fantasy creative vision, which I think a Fantastic Four movie needs.

“Latine” is an alternative term for Latinx that seems to be picking up a bit of steam.  I personally prefer it to Latinx as it is more in line with the linguistic traditions and doesn’t look totally stupid if you pluralize it. 

Page will continue playing Vanya - Netflix has confirmed it directly. As for what changes could take place with the character, who knows? As some have noted with this story, Vanya is usually a man’s name anyhow.

I hate to put it on her shoulders because an actor should have the right to leave at will, but I think America Ferrera leaving really did kill the show because so much of the storyline and appeal for fans revolved around her character’s romance.  She did say she’d be willing to appear on the final episode, so

I don’t mind criticism of questionable choices by the Biden adminstration.  But when it is all negative and no acknowledgement of any positive achievements or celebrations of some accomplished women getting good positions, than it gets pretty tiresome.  This site has always been on the grouchy side but it has really

Cooke’s twitter doesn’t indicate a place where he’s going.  It makes me wonder if he was let go if Gizmodo Media Group is tightening its belt, which wouldn’t be a good sign.

I get that the Oscars can help build a career.  But the Best Actor often goes to well-established performers.  Currently the other favorite in Actor is Anthony Hopkins - does he really need help getting jobs at this point?

Honestly, they should have just bucked tradition a bit and eliminated both Laura and Hermine.  It would have actually been better for Laura, who’s been subject to some nasty comments online in the UK.

I don’t think I’ll be watching the final as I’m pretty disgusted by the fact that the remaining three of such a seemingly promising group consists of only one baker (Peter, of course - damn, he better win) who actually seems good and two mediocre bakers who somehow made the cut by not sucking as much as another baker

That Mariah video isn’t all that great. I can see why they shelved it. But the song is really terrific so thanks for bringing it back to my attention. I was surprised looking it up to see that it never charted in the top 100.

I do wonder if the multiple references to “hoes” are intended to be male hoes or female ones.  If female ones, are they just ornamental then?

The fortune is definitely both a blessing and a curse. So many mentally ill people would benefit greatly from the financial resources Britney has and the level of care available to her. And there are definitely stories of mentally ill celebrities that have had far more tragic outcomes.  But she is highly vulnerable to

It’s her decision to make ultimately but I’d be hard pressed to see why it is a particularly admirable choice. Besides the security costs (though I’m sure the community college will enjoy the publicity), she is 69 and has no need to work in a field where there are tons of talented young professors who need jobs. She