
A Ford Aerostar was-hands down-the worst vehicle I have every had the displeasure of riding in. They weren’t very good new. But used? Can you imagine? No, think about it. Can? You? Possibly? Imagine?

Congratulations, Mr. Rusty Starship, on COTD! My award to you is a minivan which this lovely lady as soon as she makes sure it hasn’t laid any eggs.

Coincidentally, every Aerostar you see now is actually a Rusty Starship.

Neat! Thanks for this!

Thing is, it is not about isolation. It is about navigating the territory we do have, but not having the hardware to do even that. America doesn’t need 40 icebreakers. 6 are more than enough for rescue patrols, scientific research and paving out arctic lanes. This is also not about competition. It is about

Interesting article. Checked for the photos of these things and here is few (very cool):

a giant floating shit pile that can still get some of the richest natural resource deposits and most profitable shipping lanes in the world, thanks to their 40 icebreakers

Now playing

The nuclear Russian icebreakers are badass. 16knots through 6 feet of ice. It’s a pretty ideal application of nuclear shipping - you need a shitload of horsepower, all day, all season, in the middle of nowhere away from fuel supplies.

Make Canada Warm Again !!!

Which is better, manual or automatic transmission? Trick question, internet arguments are best.

People outside of CA always gets the lulz talking about how we are required to use chains or have 4wd here... likely have never driven over Echo Summit down to Tahoe or over 88 to Kirkwood in a snowstorm. Think winding and narrow with death as a possible outcome if you somehow slid off (to be fair, there are
