
Red bull soda can in the cup holder? did he spill it? There is so much craziness in this video! Love it!

I have the Nurburgring APP-some of the spectaters are super crazy! some of these guys lean right over the fence.

WOW! Thanks for the pictures!! This popped up on my youtube channel. I love these races.

Hard to say-20's and 30's gave us some beautiful cars

Thanks for the 61!!!-never gets love

Good for you! Tackle the guy! Nice car :) I hate ppl that have np respect for others. I have kids, so don’t mind yelling at someone. There have been a few that I would have liked to run over :)

I agree-their adverts dumb down the car company.

500 stars, you beat me to it

That grille sucks just EWWW

What a transformation. Thanks for sharing. Because I work with ppl from all over the world, it’s nice to see some of these cars fixed up. Ladas are everywhere.

That’s super sad :(

Throw it in just because...........

BTW-I passed that on to my friends, they all had a good laugh :)

Natures speed bumps :)

I had to watch this a couple of times on my App! WRC drivers have some mad skills

Car Thottle! :)

We had one when we were kids, every weekend we would go and see if we could get the jeep stuck. Good times that I carry every day.

Nice! I’m going to borrow that :)

Hmmm, I’m actually reading a book about this, it is a sub fiction book, but it introduces interesting conversations. The trainer of these animals was all for it on paper, but when it came time to strap explosives to them with cameras attached, he has second thoughts.

True! but most of the time We see, ppl have hit a frost heave or some such thing. I agree you always have to have it checked for that 10% of the time something is actually wrong.