
More articles about women racers! Thanks

Lots of stars!!

Wow! Thanks-know the guy who built this. a billion stars for you sir!

Love this one-maybe because my great uncle flew one.

Very sweet-I just had to coment back about Hotel staff, it is hard and appreciate ppl who are nice. Our hotel is International-very hard job. I go home and play GTA or burnout to smash cars-let off steam :)

I totally read this wrong HA need to get my eyes checked! I want an Aston Martin Lagonda!

So, I have a question for all-I work with a guy from Italy, why are these bikes called “fatboys” and there is no “fatgirl” HA never thought of it before.

You’re welcome :) I think ppl need to vent, I know I do at times. We then move on. I work at a hotel so I see many rentals everyday. Have an awesome day!

I’m still an Aston Martin fan! but Ford did own a part of the company for a time-so there is that.

Four bolts hold this body on the frame, why?

OMG the durango is awful! and when buying a dodge, you know the rust gets bigger just by looking at it. the early durangos had no side curtain airbags.

I felt the same way about a galant! thank goodness I needed it for 2 days-any more and I would have insane.

I’m a dodge fan-but want to star your post 1,000 times!

I have to agree-most rental cars are chrysler 200, any small chev,Kia. ppl who rent them hate them. I have to agree with some posters that ppl who rent a ford are completly happy with them.

Funny! I have to love the saftey crew with lights on. The comentary was better for this than the actual race :O

OK-do not laugh, I may have bought a lemon. It is a beautiful car and I enjoyed driving it. That said, while I owned it, I had problems with it left and right. One incident that stands out is while I was driving it through Barstow California the engine blew up, the temp outside was so hot! My kids were very young 6 mo

HA when I was five-this was the coolest car on the planet for me :)

We have two lane roads here-too many accidents and injuries here this year. tired drivers, ppl who drive RV’s and trailers that don’t know how to drive them, and impaiciant drivers.

or insurance!!

All I had to do is check some boxes and recieved my license in the mail-I didn’t even have to go to DMV-what could go wrong???? I can parrellel park my 70’s tank, kids don’t even know how to park a small car.