OMG funny-I had a guy flash his high beams on and off, riding my ass. I kept swerving to get him off my butt, it worked. I LOVE the flashlight thing! mine is 1,000 watt.
OMG funny-I had a guy flash his high beams on and off, riding my ass. I kept swerving to get him off my butt, it worked. I LOVE the flashlight thing! mine is 1,000 watt.
Ha! but I would buy this car in a second.
When did Hyndia become a luxury car? or the SS? I’m feeling pretty old.
I agree with most, however you can now buy a chome bumper for the MGA that will bolt right up :)
Truth-always stock up on car karma-help out a car on the side of the road.
Would never buy it, love to see ppl create new and painful new things
Thanks! nothing like morning coffee and jumping cars :) It will be a good day.
You can always youtube it
I never know what to think of these videos-am I lucky that we only have one 2 lane “highway” to the next town or not.
HA! I was told by a friend of mine that these cars are ones middle age person drives, they all are going through a mid life crisis.
Right? I love these little guys :) 500 stars “frog” eye
Love the bug or “frog” eye sprite :) one of my fav cars
I will check it out, I have the APP :)
Totally agree! she is also an embarrassment to women that race period.
New click it or tick it slogan!
No edit button :( adding massive IFR landing
Mass Kuddos! why the weird music tho??
Probably go to youtube, I have to catch up on these. IMSA APP is good but crashes all the time.
Have to love Jan Heylen’s response that he is still Belgian
I listened to it on MRN network-App. the TV coverage sucks as usual