
If anything, it might reduce her workload, seeing as how she won’t need to “service” him in the innumerable ways he expects on an immediate, daily basis.

Someone asked me if I thought he really had a sex addiction, and I said, “no...I think he’s a human.”

Hearing about the way her parents raised their children makes me very sad.

I don’t know what everyone else thinks, but the people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights are smarter than 99.9999999999999% of the people who have ever lived.

“Caused difficulties” is not the same as “defeated”

I like to imagine all of these “Christians” dying going to the pearly gates and there stands Jesus. They’re all excited because here it is, the big moment, they are going to be patted on the head and told what wonderful work they did on earth. Instead the gates are slammed in their face and Jesus says something along

Despite what some say, the Constitution isn’t sacrosanct and the framers did make some mistakes in writing it. The wording of the 2nd Amendment was one of them, with perilous results.

Yeah, and that made sense in 1789, when the strongest a military could be is an army of a few thousand men, unarmored, firing slow-loading muskets that had terrible aim. There were no automatic weapons, or planes, or bombs, or rockets, or grenades, or tanks, or night-vision goggles, or nuclear weapons. It also made

It depends on what you mean by “smart”. They were certainly gifted thinkers but they were also unmistakably men of their time. Just about any modern Med school student probably knows more than the smartest Doctor of the 18th century about curing disease. Likewise, we know a ton of shit about governing that they

Try armed rebellion in 2015 and see how long that shit lasts. The U.S. government would turn even a well-armed militia into Swiss cheese before Joe Blow’s first shell casing hit the ground. This argument is pathetically weak.


I’ve said this elsewhere: I don’t believe this is just one woman being a bigot. Her endgame is not that she personally is excused from providing marriage licenses. This is a long-term strategy, backed by well-funded anti-gay organizations, to keep throwing appeals against the courts until they either A) get a court

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

Man, I remember when I was turned away for a marriage license because I’ve been divorced, and the Bible explicitly says that marrying a divorced woman is adultery - Oh, wait, that never happened. I was issued a marriage license with no hassle whatsoever.

Why hasn’t she been jailed for contempt of court yet?

I’m not into her cultural appropriation, but I love her slutty clothes. They’re so sparkly!

I think that is a result of people judging her since she was a child. If she still cared what people thought of her she would probably go crazy.

Miley Cyrus is a legitimate treasure, she has beautiful tits, and I would happily hang out with her and smoke weed and wear nipple pasties any time she asked me.

These are probably the same people that can’t tell that Clark Kent is Superman.

I like her. This is absurde, I think she makes shit music, but I like her voice and her “I don’t give a fuck” ways... She has the kind of attitude that is not common for priviledged kids like her, and she is right about the nipple fear in the US. Free the boobs, so I can swim topless again. I just miss swimming naked.