
Good for you. My grandmother got offended when I didn't want to greet her with a kiss, which is usual in my culture. When she complained, my father told her I greeted who I wanted to. To this day, I have aunts who I hug and kiss and lean on, and others who I give a serviceable half hug. To the aforementioned

Woah there, now all that think'n is a bit extreme, don't ya think?

Please expand on this. I'm always interested in pulling apart stuff like this!

It is beyond my comprehension that some people actually believe that putting a young woman through something like this is their best choice. This is their version of pinning a scarlet letter on them. They are attempting to shame women into not having sex by waving all this scary stuff in their face "Abortion! Trail!

4 months ago, my coworker was strangled by her boyfriend (who was also a coworker.) She wanted to go to college and follow her dreams. He decided that wasn't an option.

Where can we get this for all the performers... It's interesting.

More likely that they would ban breeding and capture and the remaining whales would be 'retired' to nice pools. I doubt SeaWorld will ever fully be shut down, and I'm sure they do SOME good. But I can't get behind having intelligent creatures in tiny pens.

I'm a size 18-24 (depending on fit and style) I would totally buy cute clothing if it was available in store. I HAVE to try on every piece of clothing because I'm never sure if it'll fit.

The headband is actually a necklace the queen gave her.

So, I want to get into the Starcraft books, but don't know which ones to read/skip. I really want to read the ones that expand on Raynor, Kerrigan, Raynor/Kerrigan. Where do I start?

Thanks. I don't have any family I can reasonably travel to, and I feel bad making people with families work the shit shifts so I take 'em.

Walgreens. I know because I'll be one of the poor fools working.

I get to run around cemeteries. Only just graduated, but I've got plenty of experience with mapping, GPR, total stations, skeletal material, and the such. It's too much fun.

And I'm okay with the crap pay. I have no plans of getting married or having children. I have a trowel, a good pair of boots and plenty of beer...