Ladybug the ninja cat

I left this episode feeling meh (moreso than usual) about the Queen of Dragons. She’ll help defeat the White Walkers when Jon Snow bends the knee? Jesus christ enough already. All the badass dragons in the world can’t save her from being a myopic idiot.


I’ve lost a local accent (brooklynese) due to globalization and an ancestral language (yiddish) due to forced assimilation. And none of that compares to what has happened to native peoples around the world. I’m mortified.

Agreed, aside from the unfair comparison because of the cultural history involved, comparing an ACCENT to an entire LANGUAGE is beyond apples to oranges.

I’d just like to note - because this story is important and some commenters seem confused - that it’s beyond appalling to compare white communities losing their accents because of globalization to the lingering effects of systematic cultural genocide that has marginalized and disempowered native communities for

Some tumblr faves:

Sam’s career has really hit the shitter.

Can we just make her queen please.


They really came through for the “normal” side characters this time. Bug manages to be completely offensive but somehow totally adorable. I want all of Amanita’s dads. Even Sun’s dorky-cop-crush!

Wolfie showing up with that demented grin every time someone needs to take a punch gives me life.

And oh my god, while I was looking for that pic of Wolfgang I also saw this:

Jeez, that telepathic pansexual orgy was the main reason I kept watching! Oh, and cuz of this guy who I find immensely sexy:

I’m late to this party and gray but

I love podcasts, so I’ll check that one out. I used to listen to a couple of self-improvement podcasts in the past, but I stopped when I got frustrated with them (more with myself) and felt like I had to change who I am. That’s the hardest part for me. Feeling like I’m betraying the essence of what makes me, me even

I want to make very clear something that I’m sure people here knows, but that Trump’s supporters seem not to care about. When we’re talking about undocumented people, it is very, very rare that we are talking about someone who stole across the border, like a thief in the night. This is what we’re talking about:

In case anyone was curious this is a list of sanctuary cities and states as of December 2016. The ones I find most interesting are the State Dept. of Corrections and police departments that are listed. And I have to give a shout out to my home state of Connecticut for being one of four sanctuary states.

Funny how those Conservatives are all about States Rights and local law sticking it to the big bad federal government....until it’s for an issue like this.

When journalists are writing about undocumented folks, can you please use that word instead of illegal (unless you’re quoting someone who said it, obviously)? Human beings can’t be illegal and shouldn’t be described as such. Thanks.