Ladybug the ninja cat

Our great loss, and may he find some peace at last.

“I never intended to to be a philosopher, or a theologian,” he wrote. “The only role I sought was that of witness.”

NO! Fuck. I know people like to make fun of Eat, Pray, Love, but I’ve always found their live story to be truly beautiful. This makes me very sad :(

Ugh Javier is so sexy

I kind of expect that’s what will happen next season. Remember, Jon hasn’t spoken yet to accept it. I can totally see him waiting for the chanting to die down, and to say that his sister is the one who saved them all, and she’s a true Stark, blah blah. And then either he’ll offer to be her Hand, or she’ll accept and

A part of me wonders if this is the whole set-up: Sansa + Dany + Asha = wise rulers.

Understood but it short circuits Littlefingers plans and desires at least for now.

True but I did love how this episode and basically this season has been a lot of the women finally coming out of the wings and running shit like bosses.

Sansa to Littlefinger - “Pause bitch we ain’t kissin.”

Daeneryss to Darrio - “Take care of the house for me while I’m gone, k?”

Yeah, it’s kind of shitty to see him soak it all up again - and that they’re using it to drag out the whole thing with Littlefinger and a potential Sansa-Jon drama into the next season.

That pissed me off SO.MUCH. fuck Jon snow. I was never a big fan of his anyway.

Agreed. I was all about the Lady Mormount fan club, until that tween was all, “oh, John Snow, IDC yr a bastard, yr my king.” Then I was all “sit your ass down, pipsqueak.”

Cersei was everything to me this episode. Killing off her enemies with wildfire in a fantastic black dress while drinking wine and then taking the throne is bad ass. She is my new fave.

Nah, Sansa realized what a fucked up job being a ruler in Westoros was. I’d wait until Dany and Mad Queen Cersei killed each other before committing to anything

The ladies were having it all in that episode, Jon is now an island. The lone man standing, with two strong women leading by his side.

That, and lack of Brienne are my two great regrets if this episode

Ya, I wouldve been team Cercei if Margarie didnt die :(((

Sorry, I am just LOVING Cersei. Revenge all around (even on her own son, basically) and she looked fucking amazing the entire time. I want to be her when I grow up.

Sansa set Jon up to be King in the North, you think he wouldn’t have given her the headseat if she asked? Heck he didn’t even want the Lord’s room, Jon was almost certainly placed at the center of attention because Sansa wanted him there and probably with some protest from him. If Jon is the King in the North then

Seven hells, thank you. I’m not even a Dany fan, but come on. It’s worth noting here how Melisandre gently reminded Jon of what advantages he had in life despite the suckiness of being a bastard.

But this way she can’t help Littlefinger too much cause she's not Wardeness of The North. Didn’t seem like she minded Jon taking it.