Ladybug the ninja cat

I miss when you had to draw your sex organ and mail it across the country in the hopes that the horse drawn carriage pulling your mail across the rugged, undeveloped landscape becomes waylaid by a pack of female bandits who seize the mail, find your hand drawn sex organ, and eventually track you down because, my man,

I send them to my wife as a joke when I’m lying in bed next to her and she’s reading on her phone.

Same (except replace “father” with “mother”). While the royal kids are definitely adorable, my ovaries feel nothing and I don't feel compelled to squee.

Although it was amusing to see Daario’s expression at the end where he was basically like, “Oh, shit...she’s waaaaaaay out of my league.”

I really felt like that was the theme throughout this episode. Even Brianne telling Davos she killed Stannis. It was all about the women stepping up and taking charge.

I honestly started crying when Sansa and Jon reunited.

Yes, shipping her and Tormund so hard that I can’t believe I ever wanted her to be with Jaimie.

This episode was ALL about the ladies taking a more central and forceful role in this war. Queen of the Dragons, Theon’s sister at the Iron Islands, Sansa, Margery with her brother, Cersei with the small council. Hell hath no fury.....


CRIED CRIED CRIED when Jon and Sansa ran to each other. It was so satisfying and bittersweet.

(to the tune of LMFAO’s “Shots”, ft. Lil’ Jon)

My two year old agrees with Dax, he calls his farts bum burps. Other people’s farts are just farts, but always insists that he did not fart, he just burped from his bum.

seriously, that twitter exchange is adorable and hilarious.

One day, I hope to find someone and have the type of relationship Dax and Kristen seem to have.

Whatever you think about Sarandon’s politics (I for one am in full support) you have to admit she looks phenomenal.

Okay, I’ll admit it: I clicked here for the cleavage and out of curiousity as to what the story would be.

Agreed, but the Crusade to Protect the Sanctity of America’s Public Restrooms™ is not going away anytime soon and the administration has to push back.

The swell thing about humans is that we can care about multiple things, often at once.

It’s about fucking time.