Ladybug the ninja cat

Is that what subtweeting is? When you’re totally slamming someone, but pretty much only the people who know you both well enough to know what it’s about will know who it is that you’re slamming?

Like Pinocchio Sex

Goop sex:

‘True love is not having to close the bathroom door.’

He did what now?

yah... i’m a 27 year old white-ish hispanic-ish female. a few of my white dude friends have said this to me and they literally have no comeback when i say “easy for you to say, white man.”

Also, all the people who said if they can’t vote for Bernie, they’ll vote for Trump. White middle aged male.

Well there’s always The Full Monty.

How fucked up is it that the best way to sell a sexy place to women is to first immediately emphasize that it’s “safe”? Can you imagine a gentleman’s club ever having to appeal to its male customers by promoting their club as a safe space?


North Carolina won’t lose federal funding in this situation. How this will likely play out is that on May 9th, Governor McCrory will respond to the Justice Department saying “hell no, we won’t comply.” The Feds will the go to court to seek an order compelling North Carolina to get rid of the discriminatory law, and

What she really needed to do was just wear the white dress she wears when she leaves in the helicopter.

Literally she would have looked better if she’d have just worn her costume from Ex Machina.

Can I live stream this? I’m in the mood to just look at pretty people wearing pretty dresses.

I scared my dog when I hollered at the TV when Wun Wun broke the fucking door down.

happy to report that my bae made his return appearance in order to save ser davos, true king of westeros, and now my life is complete

“We paid for you.”

no it’s America and we paid for you

i wanna find this man’s grave and pee on it WHILE SMILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!