Ladybug the ninja cat

I love you guys for watching Kenneth Branaugh Shakespeare at Christmas.

I’ve recently realized that I have very few real life people to talk to anymore. My husband and I work opposite shifts and barely have time to talk. I work with people who are way more conservative than I am and I can’t talk to them about anything and they are the people I spend basically all my time with. I have

Today’s been a long long day and I got bit by the target Christmas bug already. I PROMISE these are not even close to done and are even more magical and day dreamy in person. I’m also going to be getting a blue mini tinsel tree too and they’re ALL GONNA HAVE THEMES. The pink one is animals duh and the silver crazy one

One of my dogs almost died last Saturday from botulism l...didn’t know that was a thing & it was really awful. Seizures & loss of bowel control. It happens very quickly & I’m so glad we

This is it! I am debating adding in some touches of color, but I like how it looks like a scientific illustration in just the black. I’m also aesthetically drawn to anything with strong black lines.

Hey y’all, I haven’t popped by SNS in a while, but right now I’m stuffed full of sweet & sour chicken, my knee is coated in Icy Hot, and I’m watching hockey so I figured I’d drop in. Glad to see some good news, more lovely people out of the greys, and people being supportive of one another <3

Guys, holy cow the trolls on that Yale article are wearing me out.

I made this cake today. My friend had a a small wedding and I made it for her. I feel like it came out pretty good, not like...Martha Stewart or even Good Housekeeping good but absolutely nice. It was delicious.

Thank you! And now, of course, I have to post another. He’s a very fluffly kitty. You should see the hair brush every evening!

Today was lunchkitty’s first walk outside the apartment or the patio! It went really, really well. He only got caught up in the leash once, seemed to love sniffing everything and startling some birds, and he got three compliments from neighbors (granted, one of them was a compliment on him being a cute puppy). I was

Meet my new roommate as of yesterday, Oliver!

My canine baby had a kidney removed yesterday. I know she had to and that she’ll bounce back but seeing that little belly with 13 stitches was hard. We were able to visit her today but the hospital has no visiting hours tomorrow, so now I’ll only see her on Monday afternoon when she’ll be discharged. *sniff* Plz send

EW. That cake is naaaaaaaasty.

I am a female physician. I did my residency in the 1990s and I remember the nurses as a godsend. We had to run the ER as residents when we were one year out of medical school. It was a busy urban ER and drug overdoses and end stage HIV (it was during the height of the epidemic and there was no great treatment) as well

THIS SO MUCH. Vote in EVERY ELECTION YOU CAN. Not just the big one for President. EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.

I’m positive it’s not the case but in this tableaux all I can think is that both RBG and Elena Kagan are thinking “Does this woman ever stop talking?”

Also, this is my expression when I have to sit through a meeting without any snacks.

Where can I buy a three foot print of this to hang in my office and also my daughter’s nursery please

Oh thank goodness—I thought the portrait was the header image, and I was like noooooo.

It’s a really lovely painting. All of those women are really the most amazing women. RBG gets a lot of, worthy, praise but really all of them are just golden.