Ladybug the ninja cat

I do not think you meant to write Blindspit, but if you did, well played. If you didn’t, still... well played.

Blindspot, because she’s gonna have trouble reading the tattoos on her ass w/o the aid of a mirror.

You sound like a truly awesome and empathetic person. Congrats again on graduating from law school. Hope you’re enjoying practicing.

Lol. That’s my struggle too! I’ll admit that sometimes I don’t work as hard at keeping my temper as I could. There’s something *really* addicting about a solid rant.

I just wanted to share a tip, that I find worked for me. Hope it will help you in the futurefuture, though it will not help now. Usually I play “blond” card and loudly say something along “Enough politics/religion, let’s talk about something nice/positive. Let’s not being up any negative today. Let’s enjoy the nice

Maybe you should say that to her? Like, ask her why she thinks that abuse survivors deserve her care and attention but immigrants don’t. As a future immigration attorney, you probably have a good grasp of the situations that many immigrants are leaving; after all, people don’t just up and leave their homes without a

I am 30 today. I’ve decided my birthday resolution is to be Helen Mirren.

Ok, I’ve calmed down and hope you feel better (now I’m irked at myself for spelling “their” wrong! :).

I’ll try to keep this brief, cause I’m about to explode super madness at these ladies for making you feel so bad. They are in the wrong for they’re ignorant assumptions (and you know it, girl!). How well could they know you anyway, with zero inkling of your values or job?

Well, I managed to alienate a person whom I have respected and looked up to.

If these folks are truly good people and love you. They’ll forget/or pretend to forget about it. I don’t know you, but as a gay I thank you for standing by your morals. I’m proud of you.

Good for you, but don’t feel too bad for her. She should know what happens when people get educated. they start to think.

It’s really sad that somebody who found compassion for abuse survivors can’t find compassion for other marginalized members of society, but her shitty, racist politics aren’t your fault.

Oh that is the worst feeling. I hope you can find yourself in a comfortable relationship with her again if that is what makes you happy. I suggest you think of a gentle way to back out from a conversation if she confronts the conversation or your opinion.

Realizing how poor a fit you’ve become in your own life is miserable. I’ve been there. The best I can offer you is that staying true to your ethos can be the hardest, most rewarding thing in life. And as awkward and uncomfortable as you feel now, imagine how you’d feel tonite if you’d sat there and agreed with them.

...congratulations? :/ Sorry.

I know I saw this and had to stop reading for several minutes because I started misting up! <3

Here’s one of the reception!


I have an exclusive pic of the wedding: