Ladybug the ninja cat

Pit parade? For women? Where? When? Do we have to shave our pits?

Carry a bag of peas. Leave a pea wherever you go.

Dark lipstick is the coolest. Also, that sentence....I’ve read it five times now and I still don’t understand it. Let’s proofread...

Yes, I thought it was a simple enough answer. How much ketchup to kill a person? About two inches...

It’s still a [non-newtonian]-fluid, so you could always drown someone in it.

And coconut milk is like 100% better then all other nondairy milks. IMHO.

...mostly because they figured people should know that you can’t juice almonds:...

Told ya

*looks up boredly from drying nails*

Can we talk about how wonderful he was in Testament of Youth, the memoir of a woman who lived during WWI and one of the most important female voices of the first half of the century?


I volunteered with one such program while I was in law school. I interviewed victims of domestic violence and helped them get temporary and permanent orders of protection, advised on and/or helped them find resources on child custody matters, uncontested divorces, immigration matters, etc., though the latter several

And the need for free legal representation for victims of domestic violence isn’t even limited to victims in low-income families. A lot of abuse uses economic control—meaning even if the family is rich the victim themselves will be poor. Some domestic violence agencies (I’m not sure how many) that have income

Legal service organizations serve exactly this purpose? Availability is limited, and you have to be under 200% of the poverty line I believe. So the limitations could be broadened. But there are a lot of people doing this work, and they should be recognized.

Honestly I will probably stick around simply because I love you guys too much to not have this community in my life.

Hello everyone. I’m just popping into SNS to say goodbye. At least for a while. Like Non Serviam, I’ve had my fill of Gawker and its associated sites for now. So I’m taking a break and am going to be around a lot less if at all. I am sad, and if I’m being honest a bit anxious. Participating here has become part of my

I am getting married in four weeks and I am SO FUCKING EXCITED and right now I am listening to my super romantic ceremony prelude playlist and crying a little bit because I am so happy. Not just to be marrying, literally, the man of my dreams who is so gentle and kind and hilarious and brilliant...but also just

Sorry about the job. :( I know so many places these days that don’t even give you the courtesy of an email. The market is rough, yo.

That sucks, but like you said, they didn’t leave you in the dark. An email is always nice for that confirmation so you can move on. I’m STILL in a similar situation and nothing is more frustrating.

I posted about a job I interviewed for a while back. I got an email this week that said I didn’t get it. I figured that I wasn’t going to get it because of how much time had passed. I’m disappointed but I’m glad they sent me a email about it instead of leaving me hanging.