Ladybug the ninja cat

Well this makes me wonder what is going on with Facebook keeping track of everyone who used that link to change their profile pics to rainbow colors. Will we all be banned someday?

Me in my dad’s Bronco, circa 1977, at some beach in Massachusetts.

Also 1977! Maria looks exactly the same age to me as she did when I started watching as a wee one.

So I saw Magic Mike with my mom in the theater, and didn’t feel too awkward. Is XXL something I should avoid watching with her?

I was waiting for you to write about this last week, Kelly! After the disappointment that was Game of Thrones, this has been a refreshing palate cleanser. And main course and dessert and elevenses and high tea. Aiden Turner makes me hungry.

I’m 39. I don’t feel old on here so much as just not very funny or informed. I would have felt the same way if I was 28. I enjoy reading the comments on here, and have learned so much from the commenters. This is such a funny and intelligent group, and is a great source of entertainment for me. I participate when I

Same here. Not a bad work situation for me; just got a new degree and want to start putting it to good use. The job applications are really stressful for me. Committing to a time for them is a good idea. I will think of you as I am doing mine.

If you like foreign language stuff, I recommend Gran Hotel. It is Spanish, and it will drive you absolutely nuts with all the nonstop twists and turns, which are rather contrived at times but also entertaining.

I am so glad I grew up in a time when there wasn’t social media. I cannot imagine the pressure of being a teenage girl, or someone in my twenties, even, who’s looking for self-worth in the wrong places and having that search documented.

I only recently learned about it, from a straight pastor friend who has recently become an ally and is spreading the news through his ministry.

as much as I support burning a Confederate flag on Saturday, I don’t want to buy one just to burn one.

My dad would do the voice of Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget, and it would send my brother, sister, and I into fits of laughter. “I’ll get you next time, Gadget! NEXT TIME!!”

Well, before you said that I had no desire to google it. NOW I DO! (But I won’t! But I want to!). THANKS A LOT!!!

Don’t “other” your niece or expect more of her because of her race. Don’t imply in any way that she’s different or that she should feel different.

The best feeling in the world is when a cat picks you to be his/her human.

This is Huckleberry, whom I call Huck-in-a-box because this is his favorite pose.

Thanks, this is very insightful. I definitely don’t want to tell her what to think. My surprise came more out of the realization that we hadn’t done a good job in talking about racism, and left her on her own to absorb ideas from her environment. And that environment, as you mentioned, was one of white privilege. It

Good luck! I’m waiting to hear if I advance to the next step (interview) in a fellowship selection. I hear you on the waffling between confidence and feeling like they won’t pick me. I haven’t been eliminated from the selection process yet, so maybe it is a good sign? Makes me feel like I’m a competitor on Survivor,

Yeah, I realized that instead of being angry, I could have turned it into a learning moment. I’m not good with kids/teenagers anyways.

I would like some advice: I have a 16 year old niece, who is biracial (African American/white). I am white, as well as her mother, my sister. She has hardly any contact with her father’s family, and so has grown up in a mostly white environment. I am concerned with how to talk to her about racism, especially with all